Correspondence course
Entrance fee 6000 yen

Beginner’s Video Tape 3000 yen

(Practice based on basic movements)

For more information, please contact us. E-mail


Video  and DVD sale
DVD sales began on February 19, 2014.

The Seventh International Batto-do Cutting Tournament
(1 hour, 20 minutes).

The DVD was recorded on November 3, 2013 at the Seventh International Batto-do Cutting Tournament.

DVD comes with tournament pamphlet

2,000 yen plus S&H


As of  November 3, 2011,  we have started
selling a new DVD.
This DVD includes:Performance at the Japan Martial Arts Festival
(to support relief efforts for the Eastern Japan Disaster Program).Features Kendo, Iai-do, Cutting, Naginata, Karate, Fight Sequences and Japanese Drums.

And much more.

1,800 yen (tax included). Please pay S&H.


As of September 16, 2013 we have started
selling a new DVD:International Batto-do Association Ryuseiken Kata (25 minutes 35 seconds).Cutting, Sickle and chain, Naginata


In addition, the new Ryuseiken promotional video is included.

2,000 yen. Please pay separate S&H.